The Impofu Wind Farms are expected to generate up to 1 030GWh per year, equivalent to the annual consumption needs of around 490 000 South African households, while avoiding the emission of over 1.1-million tonnes of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere each year.
- Developed in Partnership with Enel Green Power
- Kouga Municipality of Eastern Cape province in South Africa
- 330 MWs (3 x 110MW wind farms)
- Scheduled to be operational in 2025.
- Owned by Enel Green Power
- Private PPA: Sasol/Air Liquide (based in Secunda)
Turbine details:
57 turbines
@ 5.9MW each installed and connected to the gridConcrete towers at 120m
hub height.81.5m
blade length,
diameter 163m.
This is the largest private renewable energy plant selling power to the private sector in South Africa.
Development has taken over a decade.
Red Cap Energy signed up 87 separate parcels of land for this powerline.
By comparison, the number of landowners involved in negotiations for land leases on which to build the wind farm itself is 12.
This project resulted in the longest privately permitted power line to be developed
to date for any Renewable Energy project in SA with 116km of power line developed to connect the Impofu Projects to the grid. This has historically been left to Eskom to do.